Think Like a Strategist: Challenge the Norm

Here at Five Acres, we take pride in doing things differently. We’re constantly questioning what’s considered “normal,” challenging anything from UX design theories to conventional office hours. By starting with asking “why,” validating a project’s purpose, and defining clear intentions upfront, we’re able to consistently create work that’s distinct and strategic.

Pushing boundaries takes practice. Unlearning old ways and stepping into new systems and ways of thinking requires consistency and discipline. It requires you to think like a strategist. 

How to get started

A fun way to get into this practice is to #challengethenorm in your daily life. 

Think: Is there something you do on a regular basis that isn’t serving you? Something you can add to your routine you know you’ll benefit from? What can you do right now to disrupt old habits and improve your productivity, your health, your business, or your relationships? 

For example: 

  • Create a to-do list at the start of every day before jumping into emails

  • Schedule workout classes for the week

  • Prep healthy snacks on the weekend

  • Carve out time with your partner regularly for date nights

The options are endless—and personal to you. 

How to make your new “norm” stick 

We’ve all been there: motivated to make a change, gone all in for a day or two, and then fizzled out. Not this time! In or out of the office, this 5-step formula will help you strategize new habits that actually stay around. 

  1. Name the “norm”

    Identify something you’re doing regularly that isn’t serving you or may be a “problem area” in your work or life. In some cases, this may be something that’s well in the past but doesn’t anymore. Consider this permission to pivot. 

  2. Brainstorm solutions

    Think of new creative ways to solve that problem. Challenge yourself to try new things (even those you’ve thought you can’t do previously). Don’t limit yourself—and have fun with it. 

  3. Strategize 

    Pick the most impactful actions you can take and come up with an implementation plan (aka a strategy). Define what you’ll do, when you’ll do it, and how you’ll measure success over the next 7-21 days.

  4. Get after it 

    Go for it! If it’s a daily task, try doing it for at least 4-7 days. If it’s a weekly task, do it for at least a month. Need extra accountability? Ask a coworker, a friend, or a family member to check in on your progress and help keep you on track.

  5. Measure the benefits + tweak 

    Add regular check-ins to your personal calendar.  Be honest with yourself about how things are going and if you need to adjust your approach. If so, make small tweaks one at a time and measure the difference.

How I #challengethenorm these days

After a summer of inconsistent schedules, spontaneous vacations, and a big life event, I’ve recently needed to reset and get back into a good groove. Instead of forging forward with the status quo, I chose to #challengethenorm. 

Here are a couple of things I’ve tried lately:

The norm: Too much time in the car

I was driving a lot to and from work—taking the kids to school and soccer games, getting groceries, etc. Gas is super pricey right now and it’s not ideal for the environment; I knew I needed to switch things up.

The strategy: Bike to work  I started walking the kids to school and biking to work. This means leaving the house and office 15 minutes earlier.  

The benefits:

  • Reduce fuel use by about half

  • Burn 100+ extra calories a day with minimal effort

  • Enjoy fresh air and sunshine first thing in the morning and after a busy day

  • Get extra precious time with my kids (20 minutes each way of quality conversation, FTW)

The norm: Quick meals (with low nutrition) 

Whenever I find myself in a busy season, the first thing to go is nutrition. I struggle finding time for breakfast (beyond coffee) and tend to leave meal planning to the last minute. I end up eating out a lot and missing out on high energy foods.

Strategy: Veggie subscription

Living on the California Central Coast, I’m blessed to have access to local produce and farm stands within a few miles. I subscribed to Talley Farms, a weekly box of farm-fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. 

Benefits: I’m more motivated to cook and incorporate these amazing foods into my daily meals. I’m enjoying tastier food and more quality time with the family around the table. The kiddos are eating healthier too! 

I hope you find my formula and examples helpful to think more like a strategist in your day-to-day. It’s never too late to shake things up and level up your business and personal life. We can always be better versions of ourselves, right? Here’s to challenging the norm together!


Quality Always


Good Book Energy: Free Time by Jenny Blake